
Apart from the beauty of the model and the location "set", that are both prerequisites for a picture that shall turn out well, a few photographic guidelines have crystallised and have become the ethical and aesthetic bases of my picture projects:


I do not believe that the fine art nude becomes artistic due to affected, unnatural poses of the model or due to an artificial surrounding of a photo studio. I believe that the simpler, the more natural a picture is, the better!

An artistic nude is not primarly supposed to arrouse one sexually, and therefore I prefer showing my models in the downright, frank nude, rather than pushing the viewer to feel like a voyeur eager to discover more than the picture actually should reveal!

My pictures shall simply and honestly show what existed in reality in front of the camera lens. There is no PhotoShop (which anyway does not exist in analogical photography) nor any kind of image manipulation!

And what is your personal opinion about frontal nudity? Please write in my guest book to exchange your point of view with other visitors. I look forward to every entry, no matter if you agree or not ;-)