With this historical background in mind, let me expose my personal statement that includes very consciously both social, political and artistic dimensions.


A political

I am strongly convinced:

that frontal nudity has a priori neither a pornographic nor a vulgar connotation.

that the difference between art and pornography does not reside in WHAT is depicted, but in HOW it is shown!

that it is not nudity that is harmful to our society, but the negative view and evaluation we have nowadays of the naked body. The oppressed and guilt formed body consciousness spread by the new puritanism is according to me also one of the reasons for the growing readiness towards violence by young people: thinking of one's naked body as an immoral taboo, it seems unlikely one could cherish or respect it, and let alone a stranger's body!

that the widely spread opinion that considers depicted nudity as dangerous, but thinks of violence in mass media as being tolerable, is neither reasonable nor natural, but simply political and religious nonsense!