For 15 years I have been working exclusively with classical silver print technique, that is, black and white film and a dark room, mainly because I consider the beauty of a silver print inachievable even with the latest digital technology.
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All my pictures are taken with a 35mm film SLR camera, a 28-105mm 4Ø lens and a 70-200mm 2,8Ø zoom lens by Canon.
My favorite film is the Kodak TMax, and I particularly appreciate the soft greytones of Ilford Muligrade photo paper that produces a slight sepia toning.
In the interest of achieving the highest possible quality, I develop all film myself. Also, the subsequent steps of transferring the negative to the final print I also do myself in the darkroom, in a 100% manual procedure:
In this tank film is being developed.
The photo paper is first being exposed...
... and then developed, fixed and washed.